Friday, September 11, 2009

Angelina inspired cat-eye+ My bf doesn't think Megan Fox is hot?

He's not the "she's not pretty at all, you're much more beautiful" type. We don't bullshit each other...I mean, after 6 years flattering/boosting each others egos is no longer necessary :D. He insists that Megan Fox is not hot...he usually agrees with the ones everybody seems to find attractive(Jessica Alba and Kim K.). Freakin weirdo :P.
I had a request for an Angelina inspired cat-eye look...I didn't know if I should do the subtle or more dramatic version since I've seen her wear both. I chose a more dramatic one this time, and I'll do a more subtle one soon.

Instead of looking sexy, the serious face just makes me look mean and constipated. I promise I'm neither mean nor constipated.
Video...It seems loud enough on Movie Maker, then seems quieter once I upload it?

Another part of my shoe's the all white ones. I left out a pair of flats, wedges, and another pair of heels because they've been misplaced somewhere in my large mess.


  1. That's an amazing beautiful cat eye. You rock it! x

  2. omg tiff, you actually look asian here! lol but i loove it! wish i could walk in heels or train myself to.

  3. He;s crazy, lol! But super sweet! you are the only one he sees lol! You look gorgeous! Love all the shoes!!

  4. you and the millionaire of shoes. hahaha. I don't think I know any girls or guys who have more shoe collection than you!

  5. I think she's a bit overrated. lol
    So I'm sure he's not lying.

    I LOVE YOUR MAKEUP!! The liner makes it look insanely dramatic.

    Don't forget to check out my giveaway! (: I just added it.

  6. my bf doesn't think she's hot too! :P but then he doesn't really think jessica alba n stuff's hot either :P so he prob just has totally diff taste in girls.. :P

    i really like the cat eyes! <3 looks pretty hot! :P
    haha.. maybe it gives you a more confident bold look to it :P but not constipated.. haha :P

  7. cat-eye looks suit you tiff! me and my hubby doesn't think Megan F. is hot too. i thought it's just us who thought about that. hehe..

  8. Beautiful cat eye and such really cute shoes

  9. hmm what should I comment on first?

    1.) your by is a weirdo haha. My fiancé also really likes Jessica Alba, but Megan Fox is a goddess
    2.) great look+tutorial. I like looks with dramatic liner!
    3.) gasp, great shoe collection, or at least the part you showed. Don´t make me jealous, girl

  10. you look really pretty! and my boyfriend doesn't like megan fox either. her or kim kardashian. he's more into girls like frieda pinto and zooey deschanel. go figure. ;)

  11. This looks super hot, love the style!

  12. Sexy cat eyes!! Cracking up bout ur b.f.... my bf doesnt think Kim K is hot!! LoL when he said that I was like wtf?!? And same thing about the egos.... were goin on 7 years :)

  13. i love this look on u, hair and makeup 10/10! x

  14. megan fox is pretty hawt ...i love her eyes but not really like her as an actress maybe sex symbol lol

    your new hair and cat eyes totally made you really gorgeous .. actually you do look like a hollywood star :P

  15. sooo prettty mami!!! Ima copy this look haha :)
