Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Someone at the store asked if I adopted her. I understand when people assume she's my kid instead of my sister because I was 19 when she was born so I am old enough to be her mom...asking if I adopted her was kinda random though.
I'm starving damnit...I'm supposed to be eating stuff that I don't have to chew. Everything I want to eat requires chewing. I remember not listening when I had my wisdom teeth pulled. I went to Sonic that day and ordered all kinds of stuff. It hurt, but my tummy was happy. So rebellious.
I'm wearing
Physicians Formula tinted moisturizer
Mac Smooth Merge msf I think

Nyx Jumbo Pencil in Yogurt as base
Mac Royal Tour trio from Dame Edna
Mac Carbon as liner

Mac Way to Love l/s
At least I'm not lopsided anymore. The swelling was pretty much completely gone by the evening.


  1. does it still hurt? hope it'll be better soon.

    thanks for leaving your comment on my shoe haul :)

  2. your gorgeous! You know... sometimes I hate going out with some of my friends because I'm one of the younger ones and people always assume that we're sisters which is fine but they always think I'm the older one when she's like 4 years older than I am -___- haha.

  3. You look gorgeous and your baby too! um yeah... adopted. pretty random. people are funny!

  4. I love purple eye shadow. You look great! After my wisdom teeth were pulled I had to eat mushed up bananas :-/ I hope you can eat some good food soon! :-)

  5. She is cute.. but adopted? how random!?!?
    My sis is 17 years older than me and to annoy her I call her mum! :P
    You look great still despite starvation and pain!!

  6. Your sister is so adorable! I also adore your look using the Dame Edne Royal Tour Trio! I need to use it more often now.

  7. you look gorgeous still, i cant even tell your in pain! gosh, it must take a lot for you to look bad lol! your sister is adorable and i know that feeling, i take my cousin whos 6 out and i always get stares and "your child is so cute..." then the awkward silence and reply - not my child lol

  8. gorgeous tiff!
    loving your hair lately.

    LMAO @ "hungry"

  9. glad to know that the swelling has gone away..
    but sucks that you are starving...
    I'm always in a grumpy mood wen I'm hungry :P

    your sis is so adorable <3

  10. Cute pics Tiff, totally loving your hair, your makeup and the purple e/s!*_*! Hope you find some delish slurpees to snack on.

    Oh, I know, try making some fruit shakes, they're healthy and taste good, or eating soups, and boiled vegetables like carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, squash and mash them with butter, mmmm so good! Hope that helps!

  11. yeah thats so random about the adopted question. i mean, you do look like your lil sister. By the way, you look HOT!!

  12. Nice look, and I totally understand how it is to not be able to eat what you want (had braces before) but I ate what I wanted to anyway...just ignored the pain.

  13. you and your sis are so cute, my daughter has very fair skin and im fairly dark brown! in the summer, i get mistaken for mexican/black ALOT, and ppl always ask if im the nanny, i think that is RUDE, its none of thier damn buisness!!!

  14. EEEEK you look sooooooo gorgeous!!! and i loove a way to love!! you are such a pretty girl!

  15. Love your hair and the makeup goes perfectly!

  16. lol. Everyone thinks my nephew is mine.
    But you know what's worse? Having someone come up to my boyfriend & I and asked if we were BROTHER AND SISTER! I nearly died! =|

    You look pretty as always.

  17. haha funny, I can't believe someone asked you that! Its ok the other day I was at the grocery store and a bunch of black kids were screaming around me and this women came up to me and said "CONTROL YOUR KIDS!" i was like wtf?! LOL
