Quick shot of my outfit too. My darling brother told me that I looked like a gothic prostitute. The day my beer gut prevents me from being able to see my toes and my back end resembles two drooping pancakes I'll put away the floozy wear...but hopefully that's in the very very distant future. Not that I think I have some super amazing V.S model body, but I'm satisfied enough with it.

The boots have cute little buckles on the sides that you can't see in the picture. The one thing I don't like is the heel. Only 2 1/2 inches? Ugh.
Sorry that my gloved hand is in every single one of these lol. I was keeping my hair off my very sticky gloss. Even without wind my hair always manages to somehow make it's way over to my mouth. Smh. I switched earrings while still taking pictures too.
I'm assuming it's the spf in my tinted moisturizer that's making my face look 18 shades lighter than my body. Also the e/s looked more vibrant in person.

I had to brighten the one above. It was gray-ish looking.

Enough of me and my glove...
Besides these eyeshadows, I also have on L'oreal de-crease, NYC Browser in Brunette, and Red Cherry #138 lashes. And some random black pencil liner on my waterline. Most of the time I just line my lashline with black eyeshadow.

On my face I have on CG tinted moisturizer, and on my lips I'm wearing Mac Lovelorn l/s and Urban Decay Pocket Rocket gloss in James I think.